Friday, 23 July 2010

Time off

Me and Used are both going on a camp for a week, we wont be able to post sorry.

See you soon

~crisps & Used


Hai, today im feeling happy and sad because I left my primary school forever! Im so going to miss all my friends and teachers there, I wish all of you the best


Thursday, 22 July 2010

Happy 400

Happy 400 days Adora :]

Thank you for 400 days of being sweet and kind! Im proud to call you my friend and I hope your next 100 days pass happily.


2 things...

Firstly i'd like to share with you some quick art I did:

It made me think about our art page we do, recently we havent had any artwork sent in to us :'[
Please, if you do any or have some saved in your computer, send it to
or post it in a comment.

Secondly, it seems that Used and I are just posting to ourselves at the moment, yes we have 44 followers but to be honest you all follow and then never come back :(
Please visit often as this blog does have a competition on the go but so far we have had no entrys. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spread the word about our blog and visit again because we need you to make it worth while!


Im smart with art!

If you love art then chobots main blog is the right place for YOU!
At the moment they are having an art competition. Why dont you check it out!
Time: 20:00  cho time
place agents underground
date: today 22nd


Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Videos (i hope)

Crispy has been thinking about making video's but she has to wait for permission to download the software's! If you know any good ones please let us know in a comment!

p.s sorry for short post

Videos (i hope)

Crispy has been thinking about making video's but she has to wait for permission to download the software's! If you know any good ones please let us know in a comment!

p.s sorry for short post

Disco dance moves competition

Hi! Its, Used here!

Chopix is back and needs help catch those spies! You better be quick because he's leving to go to another planet soon :]
Anyway, coolcrisp and I think that it's been a while since we had a competition so together we decided on... DISCO DANCE MOVES!
All you have to do is come up with a new disco move using chobots dance thing (citizens only)
or if your not a citizen then just draw one on paint or anything :]

You have about 2 weeks to do this so take your time...