Saturday, 26 February 2011

for dizzy

Click for full size :D
I hope you like

A Chobot with no age!

A chobot with no age!



Umm!!!! No name no age person????
got any answers??? 

Friday, 25 February 2011

Want anything?

If you want anything e.g headers or signatures just leave a comment!!
Give details of what you want on it, I hope you think im good enough at making these things though. :)
Also, if you havent got a blog and want one, I can make you one, only you must be willing to give me your email so I can make you an admin. Also, if you wan't me to decorate your entire blog, then make me an admin on your blog. (You need my email to do this, so please find me on chobots so I can give it you.)

I hope you like my new blog

Ok, so I no I have been changing my blog alot recently, I don't know if this will last, but I hope you like it anyway :)
Here are the signatures


For Jlb1999

Here is your signature :)

Here is your header, click to view full size. You might need to click shrink to fit when you add it to your blog.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Mah New Bloggieee :))

I hope you like my new blog design :))
Here are the sognatures for my lovely authors:

What do you think??


Well what can I say? Parry grip comes up with some random songs lol! Good but random.

Alsoooo an important notice that has been posted on,
Don't go to any links to chobots unless they are the big screen popup or the play now button!

If you go to any other links to chobots other that the ones I have given a picture of, and only go to them for the rain the hacker is raining, you will be banned. You will also be banned for giving out such links.
So please don't do it :))

P.s- Hey guys, a few of you don't like my blog design :0 Please could you tell me in a comment what you dont like so I can try improve it??

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Welcome back :D

A big welcome back to chobots from me :))
Chobots are deleting the rain items that were cought, I hope you understand that it is fair.
Enjoy chobots once more my friendiess :))

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

New design

Do you like the new St Patricks design my blog has??
Vote on the poll now :)


Woot yeaa!!
We all love contests right?
Well here it is...
All you have to do is write a little bit about your chobot,
My chobots name is coolcrisp, I have been on chobots along time and I love to make new friends.
My chobots personallity is cheery and happy, because I love to chat with everyone and I help out others :)

Thats how simple it is.
I will choose the most creative one to win, and the prize is...
A blog Header and signature :)

In your entry, include your chobot name, your blog adress, and details on what colours you want for your header and signature if you win.

This contest is also held on

Monday, 21 February 2011


Yehh!! As Snow said, CHOBOTS HAS BEEN HACKED! You gotta give the hacker this, they must be good at hacking to hack CHOBOTS!!! and .de have been closed for the moment, the hacker rained rocket boots and many more items.
Also... All the chobots blogs just copy what have been posted on the official blog, whats the point? Yes, we all do it, including me, so I though I would try and post some other cool stuff too :)
I hope you like my blog design! :))


Hacker Problems!

So, for all of you that don't understand, earlier today a hacker came on a rained thing from the crown catalougue, that really cost real money! So, the chobots team have shut off chobots and are trying their best to sort it out!


My art!

Hey everyone, sorry about not posting in a while! But I'm back! And I can post a lot again! Anyway, here is the best art I've ever done!

-coolcrisp here!
Just like to say, that  artwork is STUNNING!! I hope you post more of it here, it's a real treat for me to come and see this art :)
P.s thankyou for posting x