Saturday, 23 April 2011


I have changed my blog a little :D
do you like it??
any ideas on imrpovement?
I also added an Xat chat at the bottom so scroll down and remember to stay and chat a while :)
Keep on rolling
p.s i know the headers awfull :/
 hehe time for celebration don't ya think.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Want a signature, header or Voki?

Hello everyone! On my blog, , I have pages saying: Want a signature? , Want a header? , and Want a voki? . If you would like one, please comment it on the correct page on my blg! If doesn't work, do :)


Lol videoss :D

Haa lol this is random but i thought id share it with you anywayzz :))
Oh yea turn the volume right up its better that way.

yea im pretty jealous xD

Yea this is actually a pretty good video :D
I really want the book now lol x
I saw it on ur featured video on and i watched it like 10 times coz im cool like that :D
yea, make some more vids like it.

ha 1 server :L

What. was. the. point. in having those server polls and everything if there just gona go delete them and keep 'chocolate'.
Tbh they might as well just delete that as well now that everyones quit ha :/
Anyways chobots is getting kinda bad atm, if you look...
this made me lol, but yer no.
And these massive items are NOT attractive whatever chobots says :L
I also wanna say, where are all these 'new items' chobots promised us since they deleted the rest?? hu??
well, just my opinion.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Citizen Party started by Lucylocket2001

A citizen party!