Thursday, 6 January 2011

Quickee Party with Royal! ^^

Hey everyone, Boy11 here.

I'm not good at titles, but anyways I'm telling you that Royal came to make a party for us! x) She was so nice! :D She made a really long party with us! ^^ Thank you so much, Royal.

By the way, she even showed a B Day Cake for me from my 550 B Day. Thank you so so much! :]

(Click here to view full size)

Thank you so much Royal, and for the ones who told me Happy B Day! :]

Here are some party pictures from Royal's long party:

Awesome! :o

V.I.C shirts! :P Pretty cool, huh? x)

My favourite picture! xD

Well that's all. I think this was my best B-day party and quickee party! x)

Thanks Royal! :3

Until next time,

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