Tuesday 11 January 2011

School Issues..

I'm a bit sad about telling this but, I will have to leave some blogs.. :( I'm afraid I have to leave this one.. Also I hope you guys understand, really. Why I'm leaving this blog? Reasons: School Issues, Artisteer Issues (a lot this happens), blogging. Well, I obviously can't quit those 3 important things that I have to do but sometimes everyday some chobots quite don't understand that my personal life AND Chobots life is very busy. I hope you guys really understand.. though. Anyway, I will leave this blog for a while not forever. In vaccations, I might be able to join many blogs and keep my blogging expirience. :] But I'm sorry if I have to leave.. D; I promise I will come back in vaccations.



coolcrisp said...

Thats ok x] I will miss you while you are gone, I appreciated having you working on my blog :)


Anonymous said...

I'll miss you boy11! Sorry about having to leave for a bit, but it happens I suppose =(
